Manhattan, New York City USA

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May 14, 2019 .

New York State Considers Overhauling New York’s Medical Cannabis Program Making It Less Costly and More Accessible to Qualified Patients

On May 6, 2019, New York State law makers proposed two bills, A7467 and S5657 (both are the same), that would overhaul New York’s medical cannabis program.

The most significant changes are (1) removing the list of qualifying medical conditions, (2) permitting qualified medical practitioners to prescribe medical cannabis to any patient they believe could benefit from its therapeutic use, (3) legalizing smokeable “flower” medical cannabis, (4) increasing the 30-day supply limitation to a 60-day supply, (5) permitting a designated caregiver facility (or its employees) to possess, acquire, deliver, transfer, transport or administer medical marihuana, (6) establishing medical marijuana research programs and licenses, (7) authorizing the commissioner of health to license one or more independent laboratories to test medical marijuana; and (8) increasing the number of dispensing sites of a registered organization from 4 to 8 locations.

NORML (The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) has established a link on its site to easily send a message to your state lawmaker to support this effort.  Feel free to send a message to your lawmaker by clicking here.

**This post is for informational purposes only, For legal advice, contact a NYC Cannabis Business Lawyer**

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